


Have a view Ninohe

Have a view Ninohe
We want a view of the place where the trip starts.

The source of a culture is its geology and climate

At the beginning of a trip, we tend to want a glimpse of the place from a little higher above to get its entire view. How you view a place will differ after the end of your trip from when you first visit it. Experiences of meeting people, getting to know the culture and hearing stories from locals will surely reflect on your impression of a place.

Ninohe has Mt. Oritsume to its east and Mt. Inaniwa to its west. Mabechi River runs southward from the north and is surrounded by mountains. Small communities lie along the drainage system, and the town center is located on a river terrace formed by river erosion. Being located to the east of the Ou Mountains, the city often has cool summers because Yamase, a cold, wet east wind blows in when anticyclones develop in the Sea of Okhotsk. Thus, the place wasn’t suitable for rice production, and people have instead extensively grown various cereals for such a long time that it has taken root as a part of the food culture. A culture of food preservation is also widely spread among the people in order to get through winter. Fruits here thrive from the big temperature difference between day and night and also from the fact that there is little rainfall. The local fruits which are highly evaluated for their high sugar content are recently starting to become a signature brand.

Within a view, there are reasons for why it came to be, as well as the history and culture that resulted from it. The view here in Ninohe has unique conditions of severe nature and blessings of the land; there is knowledge and research by the people who’ve worked through such conditions. You’ll see everything connected if you travel through the area.

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List of spots introduced in “#1 Have a view Ninohe”

Ogamiiwa Observation Deck

Head to the observation deck and discover traditional works of agriculture on the way, such as buckwheat fields and fruit farms taking advantage of the hilly land. The observation deck is above Ogamiiwa, and you can almost overlook the entire city. You can enjoy the grandeur of the land with Mabechi river running through mountains and the expansive scenery of rice paddies along it, as well as the view of the town center with Mt. Oritsume as a background to its east.
address : Ishikiridokoro, Ninohe-shi, Iwate Prefecture

Oritsume Basen Gorge

If you’d like a dynamic view of Ogamiiwa and Megamiiwa, also known as the married couple rocks, Kibo Ohashi Bridge over Mabechi river is the best. Ogamiiwa and Magamiiwa were landforms created by the eruption of a submarine volcano 3.5 million years ago, which then eroded from the flow of Mabechi river over a long period of time. In addition to the seasonal beauties of Basenkyo that include fresh green leaves, autumn colors, and a snowscape, there is also a scenery that is unique to Ninohe: the scenery of people fishing sweetfish with the arrival of the fishing season in summer.
address : Ishikiridokoro, Ninohe-shi, Iwate Prefecture

Observation point of a thousand cherry trees

The best spot to overlook Ninohe’s town center is from the town beside it called Ichinohe which is a 15-minute drive from Ninohe station. There you can see the Mabechi river flowing far into the distance. If your timing is good, you can also see the bullet train Hayabusa at Ninohe station.
address : Ishikiridokoro, Ichinohe town, Torigoe

Kindaichi Onsen

Kindaichi is situated in the northeast corner of Ninohe. One day, hot spring water came out from rice paddies and became the source of a hot spring spa where samurais of the Nanbu domain would visit. This is an area based on agriculture from ancient times, and you can find many rice paddies and orchards around the onsen inns. Since this is an area that was once below sea level, the earth is rich in minerals and is particularly suitable for growing fruits. An internationally rare fossil was once found in the Mabechi riverbank, and if you walk the riverside, you can find nodules, solidified sphere fossils of animal and plant remains.
address :Kindaichi, Ninohe-shi, Iwate Prefecture

Mt. Oritsume

Mt. Oritsume is abundant in spring water, so the plants can flourish. It is rich in nature and we can find a vast native birch forest, wild birds, and millions of Hotaria parvula, a species of fireflies in summer. There is a spring called Sankyo spring water near the summit. Mt. Oritsume’s underflow water that moisturizes the land and is used for the production of local sake, Nanbu Bijin; it can be said to be one of sources of Ninohe’s honmono. It is an independent mountain at the northernmost point of the Kitakami Highlands with an altitude of just 852.2m. However, a 360-degree panoramic view spreads across from the observation deck at the peak, and you are bound to be fascinated by the scenery in each direction, having Mt. Iwate to the south, Hachimantai mountains to the southeast, Hakkoda mountains to the north, and the fishermen’s fire to lure fish at night in Hachinohe to the northeast.
address : Oritsume, Fukuoka, Iwate Prefecture